Letter of application
George Gregor Schillings

    George G. Schillings
    Am Goldberg 42
    41469 Neuss
my photo
Who is George G. Schillings:
George G. Schillings is 36 years of age and after educational 
training as a petty officer in the "interior" merchant 
navy and as a metalworker, he has also finished his educational 
training as an industrial salesman.
George G. Schillings could gain experience in customer information 
with the Duesseldorfer Stadtwerke AG. With hie former employers, 
he also gathered expierience in the preperation and division of 
labour. Whenever neccessary, he carried out supervisory jobs in 
differend departments.

Job goals: 
Through his first apprenticeships, employment in areas where 
experience is needed are offered. George can also be set up in 
selling, disposition, or any other clericalpositions. It must be 
mentioned that George has a wide PC knowledge including a certificate 
in Cobol. Internet, Basic and Html are no foreign words for him. 
Through his many journeys on various continents and his participation 
in a course of commercial english, George G. Schillings owns a good 
knowledge of the english language and is allways ready to improve on 

Other facts you need to know: 
George G. Schillings is an emloyee who, through his diligence, can 
fulfill his dutys, also in stressfull situations. Loyality, flexability 
and teamwork also belong to his positive attributes.

This short description of George G. Schillings is only an introduction 
to arouse your interest. Should this be the case, I am prepared to send 
you my full application. I would be pleased to answer any further 
questions in a personal interview.

Yours sincerely

George G. Schillings

Letter Of Application